Cadiz City Tops Active COVID Cases In Neg. Occ.


Cadiz City has the most number of active coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Negros Occidental.

The city has 150 active cases of the total 346 confirmed cases.

San Carlos City follows Cadiz with 130 out of the total 284 confirmed cases.

Next is the city of Kabankalan in southern Negros with 86 out of the 382 cases.

Talisay City, which has the highest number of confirmed cases at 601, only has 23 active cases.

The towns of Don Salvador Benedicto (DSB) and Valladolid do not have any active case.

DSB has 11 while Valladolid has 75 total confirmed cases that have all recovered.
(Dolly Yasa via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy by TDG)

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