Cadaver Of ASG/DI Killed In Police Operation, Recovered


A dead body was found floating at the seawater of Brgy. Taluksangay, Zamboanga City at about 11:20 AM of November 28, 2020 by fishermen of said barangay who immediately reported to Brgy. Taluksangay Community Police Action Center.

The cadaver has a visible gunshot wound on his head wearing blue t-shirt and white short pants and was later identified as Hassan Alimin, male, 35 years old, resident of Brgy. Busay, Sacol Island, Zamboanga City.

The cadaver is under the state of decomposition and has been turned over to the relatives for interment following the Muslim tradition. Hasan Alimin is one of the suspects who are allegedly financial facilitator of the ASG-DI/ISIS operating in Basilan and Sulu who are planning to conduct bombing in Zamboanga City.

Recalled that at about 6:45 AM of November 25, 2020, combined elements of Regional Intelligence Unit 9, PNP-Intelligence Group, PNP SAF, Regional Maritime Unit 9, CIDG and Zamboanga City Police Office conducted a joint intelligence maritime interdiction against Radi Nalul Tahirin, 30 years old, Hasan Alimin, 28 years old both residents of Brgy. Busay, Sacol Island, Zamboanga City and Abdilla Aspalin, legal age all are Daulah Islamiya/ASG members on board a pump-boat heading towards Zamboanga City believed to be carrying explosives for an alleged plan bombing in Zamboanga City, while on the high seas of Brgy. Taluksangay and Sacol Island and while the operating troops were about to approach them, the suspects fired upon the operating troops that prompted them to return fire that resulted in the death of subjects Radi Nalul Tahirin and Abdilla Aspalin. One of the suspects (Hasan Alimin) armed with a rifle was able to jump into the water. (PCpt. Edwin A. Duco, Chief Public Information Officer)

(Source: Public Information Office – Police Regional Office IX)

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