Benguet Wants Temporary Suspension Of COVID-19 Testing


The provincial government wants the inter-agency task force for the management of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases to temporarily suspend the conduct of mass testing in some municipalities identified as high risk areas because their existing temporary quarantine and isolation facilities are already compromised following the surge in Corona Virus Disease (COVID) 2019 cases.

Gov. Melchor D. Diclas admitted that the province’s hospitals and quarantine and isolation facilities are already almost full because of the increasing number of positive and symptomatic patients, thus, the need to locate more quarantine facilities to accommodate the huge number of daily cases being reported, especially from the mining communities.

At present, the Benguet General Hospital (BeGH) accommodates most of the confirmed COVID patients and as of date, the hospital is continuously releasing recovered patients and subsequently admitting symptomatic individuals from the different parts of the province.

According to him, the mass testing in the province’s high risk areas will be useless if there will be no additional quarantine and isolation facilities that can immediately accommodate the confirmed cases.

The governor disclosed that health workers are now working double time for the completion of the necessary documents for the accreditation of the proposed additional quarantine and isolation facilities so that there will be available beds for confirmed cases as a result of the ongoing mass testing.

He stated there are ongoing talks with the officials of the public works department for the putting up of additional collapsible isolation rooms that can be erected within the BeGH compound as part of the efforts to increase the available isolation beds for confirmed cases.

Moreover, the provincial government is also negotiating with owners of some private education institutions for the temporary use of their existing dormitories as additional quarantine and isolation facilities for the quarantine and isolation requirements of future cases and their close contacts while face-to-face classes are not yet allowed to abate the overcrowding in the existing health facilities. (Dexter See | OIC Joe Manzano, RPN DZBS Baguio)

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