Batac: INEC investigation on utilization and management of ERBP Funds


Ilocos Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc (INEC) Acting General Manager Cipriano “perry E. Martinez III convened the cooperative’s Retirement Committee on Wednesday to commence the conduct of investigation on the utilization and management of the Employee’s Retirement Benefits Program (ERBP) Fund.

INEC Acting General Manager Cipriano Perry. E. Martinez recognized the necessity of revisiting the cooperative’s retirement policy and benefit plan after the National Electrification Administration (NEA) Administrator Hon. Antonio Mariano C. Almeda issued directive to all General Managers and Acting General Managers of electric cooperatives to ensure the correct and strict implernentation of employees’ retirement funds pursuant to NEA policies and guidelines.

INEC issued a Memorandum to all present and retired employees of INEC who can shed light to the ongping investigation or who would want to report any complaints, dealings and/or problems with regard the ERBP fund to directly report to the Office of AGM Martinez.

AGM Martinez emphasizes the importance of this. investigation owing to his passionate belief that this retirement fund, which is a product of the employees’ blood, sweat and tears, should rightfully be received and enjoyed by INEC employees who ” have allotted and dedicated years of their lives in the service of this electric cooperative and to the Province of Ilocos Norte.

(Source: INEC)

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