Baguio: 57 NPA Supporters Surrender in Mt. Province


57 individuals identified as members of the NPA’s Underground Mass Organization (UGMO) voluntarily surrendered and pledged their allegiance to the government in Sumadel, Tadian, Mountain Province on October 28, 2021.

The former rebels are from the barangays Bantey, Batayan and Sumadel in the municipality of Tadian took their pledge of allegiance to the government officiated by municipal councilor Johnson Balaoas.

Meanwhile, the different barangay officials led the burning of CPP-NPA-NDF flags followed by signing of covenant.

Tadian Municipal Police Station personnel said that, the voluntary surrender and withdrawal of support of the 57 UGMO members were made possible through the continuous efforts and series of negotiations facilitated by the police officers of Mountain Province Police Provincial Office, Regional Mobile Force Battalion 15 (RMFB 15), Regional Intelligence Unit 14 and members of the Philippine Army in collaboration with the Local Government Unit.

PCOL Ruben B Andiso, Mountain Province Police Provincial Director, urged the community to help the government in persuading those who were already exploited by the CPP-NPA-NDF to return to the folds of the law.

(Source: PROCOR-PIO)

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