Baguio: 44 Drug Surrenderees Complete Rehab Program


44 drug personalities, who voluntarily surrendered themselves to the authorities, successfully completed their community-based rehabilitation and treatment program in a simple ceremony held at the Barangay Ammacian Hall in Pinukpuk, Kalinga on October 8, 2021.

Pinukpuk Municipal Police Station said that the 44 participants of the program were identified as drug surrenderees from barangays of Aciga, Ammacian, Taggay and Wagud in the municipality of Pinukpuk.

The program, dubbed as the “Rapha Recovery and Wellness Program,” is an intervention program for drug surrenderees initiated by Pinukpuk Municipal Police Station (MPS), in collaboration with the different stakeholders, Local Government Unit of Pinukpuk, other agencies, and religious sectors

A Certificate of Completion was awarded to each participant to signify their official completion of the program, which lasted for six months.

Further, they also took oath not to go back to their usual illegal drug activities and to live a drug-free life.

Kalinga PPO Deputy Provincial Director for Administration, PLTCOL.  Jomaric B Felina congratulated the surrenderees for doing their part to change, and all the agencies, stakeholders, and other individuals who took part and put their efforts to help the surrenderees transform into good citizens of the community.

The event was witnessed by Municipal Mayor, Hon. Irving B Dasayon; and Provincial Officer of PDEA Kalinga, Rhodelia I Macad; along with the Municipal Social and Welfare Development (MSWD), Department of Health (DOH)/ Regional Health Unit (RHU), barangay officials, and other stakeholders who supported the recovery and wellness program.

(Source: PROCOR)

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