Bacolod: Negros Cops Gear Up For ‘Undas’


Bacolod City – The Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) here is ready to deploy police officers to secure the observance of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days in the province.

This, despite the temporary closure of all public and private memorial parks, cemeteries and columbaries in the province from Oct 30 to Nov 2, 2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police Colonel Romy Palgue, NOCPPO director, told police stations to ensure that the order on the closure of these areas during the said dates will be followed.

Palgue said that Public Assistance Desks (PADs) will still be established beginning Oct 25 since some may opt to visit the cemeteries prior the said closure. It will remain until Nov 4.

Police were also told to ensure that the 20 percent capacity limit on the number of visitors and the minimum health protocols will be observed.

Beat patrollers and covert police personnel will also be deployed to maximize security coverage.

To manage the traffic and secure the roads for travelers, road safety marshals and traffic personnel will be stationed along major routes. The force multipliers will be mobilized to augment the personnel.

Palgue appealed for the cooperation of the public, considering that we are still in the midst of a pandemic.

Aside from citing the COVID-19 infection, Palgue also noted that protection of people from all forms of crime is a primary concern of the police.

“We care for them, as we serve and protect,” he said.

Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson issued an Executive Order last week for the temporary closure of the cemeteries to avoid mass gatherings and prevent the outbreak of the virus.
(Glazyl Masculino via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy of TDG)

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