Atienza outlines priority of Manny Pacquiao presidency


IF elected into office in 2022, the tandem of boxing icon and presidential candidate Manny Pacquiao and vice presidential aspirant Lito Atienza can unite the Filipinos amid several issues that the country is facing.

At the Kamuning Pandesal Forum in Quezon City, vice presidential aspirant Atienza said he and Pacquiao will focus on programs that will provide better life for all Filipinos.

“Our government will focus on fighting corruption, home for the homeless, land for the landless and better income for all Filipinos…we have to provide better jobs for all Filipinos to stop their search [for the proverbial] greener pastures outside the country,” he added.

Atienza also expressed confidence that he and Pacquiao are the best among the candidates for president and vice president.

“I am more experienced than them. I don’t want to be Vice President to any other president. I am running for Vice President, only because Manny Pacquiao has my full trust and confidence,” said Atienza, a former Manila mayor.

“I only want to become Vice President to Manny Pacquiao because simply I know him well, I know that he cannot fail the Filipinos. He will give them better life and a graft and corruption-free government. Pacquiao can unite the Filipinos,” he added.

He also urged the Filipino electorate not to vote for a mixed ticket, “so if you will vote for another president, don’t vote for me.”


Atienza, in separate news statement, also strongly condemned efforts at “historical revisionism,” specifically to erase from the people’s consciousness and memory, the so-called atrocities committed during the martial law years.

Atienza admonished presidential aspirant Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. not to deny the sins committed under his father’s rule, and to stop acting as if he had no idea what was happening then.

“I can’t change my sentiments about martial law kasi I suffered thru martial law twice. Mabuti ako nakauwi pa. But they warned me that on the third time, hindi na daw ako makakauwi. What will they tell the families of the more than 10,000 missing youth who most probably fell victim to torture and summary execution? I cannot and will never forget that. I want my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to never forget that!” Atienza added.

Image courtesy of Alysa Salen

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