Anti-Trafficking Council Launches Photo Essay Contest


Davao City – The Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking in Region XI (IACAT-XI) has launched the IACAT-XI NETWORK Photo Essay Contest 2020.

Carrying the theme “Lihok Komunidad, Human Trafficking ug OSEC undangon” (Communities acting to stop Human Trafficking and Online Sexual Exploitation of Children) the photo contest aims to showcase the best anti-TIP (trafficking-in-persons) campaign as told to a series of two to five photos.

The photo essay contest was formally launched on July 30 during the IACAT-XI network’s commemoration of the 2020 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

The contest is open to all residents of Region XI, submission must be in the form of photographic essays only, only digital image files will be submitted, Each photographic essay of up to five images constitute one entry, one entry per contestant.

Entries will be judged on the basis of effectives in communicating the anti Trafficking in Persons Campaign through composition, technique, content, originality of well-edited images.

Contestants must not be related within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity to the pre-selection committee and the board of judges.

The entries must capture a picture of a person, thing, place, situation, workplace etc. which may be correlated to the theme. The stories must capture awareness of the advocacy against Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in the country.

Submitted entries must have basic entry information (photographer’s insight of the subject and its significance and photo essay with title or caption on the entry forms. Captions or texts should be provided in the notes area of the online entry form or a separate document file.

Photographs submitted must be original and must not have been published or submitted in other photography contests. For photos whose model is recognizable, a model release form is required and for minors the subject’s parent or guardian’s consent must be secured.

Basic editing such as color enhancement, the use of filters, cropping is acceptable. While advanced photo editing which creates illusions, deceptions, or manipulations like the adding or removing of significant elements in the frame is prohibited.

Interested participants must submit their entries to, deadline of submission is on October 11, 2020.

The First Prize winner will get ₱ 20,000 in cash, Second placer will receive ₱ 15,000 while the third placer will have ₱ 10,000.  Two consolation prize winners will each get ₱ 3,000 while the Peoples Choice Award will be bringing home ₱ 5,000 in cash prize. Winners will be announced on December 11, 2020.
(Rudolph Ian Alama)

(Source: Philippine Information Agency)

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