985 Caraga Cops Promoted To Next Higher Rank


A total of 985 members of Police Regional Office 13 are promoted to next higher rank following the Mass Oath Taking, Donning and Pinning of Ranks of Newly Promoted Police Commissioned Officers and Police Non-Commissioned Officers for Calendar Year 2020 2nd Level Regular Promotion Program held simultaneously at the Regional Headquarters, Police Provincial Offices, and Butuan City Police Office today, January 15.

Police Brigadier General ROMEO M. CARAMAT, JR, Regional Director of PNP Caraga, administered the mass oath-taking of the promoted Police Officers.

The personnel who took their oath are composed of 482Patrolman/Patrolwoman, 114 Police Corporal, 57 Police Staff Sergeant, 90 Police Master Sergeant, 57 Police Senior Master Sergeant, 123 Police Chief Master Sergeant, 10 Police Executive Master Sergeant, two Police Lieutenants, and 50 Police Captain who are now promoted to the next rank.

Among those who are promoted to Police Major is POLICE MAJOR DOROTHY M. TUMULAK, the Public Information Officer of PNP Caraga.

“Make this promotion as an inspiration to remain steadfast in sustaining our efforts of serving and protecting our communities. Under my watch, we are going to keep that level of service going and try to find ways to improve on it whenever we can,” PBGEN CARAMAT, JR reminded the promoted personnel. (PMAJ DOROTHY M TUMULAK | RPN DXKS)

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