42 Of 49 LGUs Received Amelioration Fund, Starts Subsidy Distribution


Davao City:   The Department of Social Welfare and Development Regional Office XI (DSWD XI) reported that it is almost done in downloading Social Amelioration Program (SAP) funds to the local government units (LGUs) in Davao Region.

Forty-two (42) of the 49 LGUs in the region have already received the transferred amount intended for the SAP with the DSWD as the lead implementer.

About P2.4 billion was already transferred to the 42 LGUs out of the P4 billion downloaded by the DSWD Central Office to the regional office.

The DSWD further reported that some 3,148 beneficiaries in Tarragona, Monkayo and Davao City have already been verified and paid with an actual paid-out amount of Php 18,888,000.00.

There are 267,974 household beneficiaries of Pantawid targeted to receive the subsidy,  while  685,547 families for Non-Pantawid, and 248,760 senior citizens for the social pension.

Throughout the region, house to house distribution and administration of SAC forms, and preparation of payroll for payout are being conducted. Also, simultaneously being pursued are cross matching of lists, encoding, and barangay level SAP orientations.

Meanwhile, the DSWD announced that the payout of social pension in Davao City is slated on April 15-17 and April 20-22.

The Regional Social Pension Unit is currently finalizing the list of eligible senior citizens in coordination with C/MLGUs.

The DSWD XI observed that the main concern of LGUs is that the number of target beneficiaries is less than the number of total affected families.

In some LGUs, validation is left to DSWD since barangay officials and purok leaders are harassed by residents especially those who are not included in the list. Distribution of face shield to DSWD frontliners all over the region was likewise conducted. (PIA XI/Frances Mae Macapagat with report from DSWD XI)

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