4 COVID–19 Recoveries As Of 4:00 PM, January 7, 2021

  1. ZDS 1076 – A 51 y.o female from Purok 14, Poblacion, Lakewood, Zamboanga del Sur. Declared clinically recovered and discharged from COVID-19 isolation of a Government Hospital and will continue home quarantine for 7 days.
  2. ZDS 1086 – A 79 y.o male from Purok 14, Poblacion, Lakewood, Zamboanga del Sur. Declared clinically recovered and discharged from COVID-19 isolation unit of the Municipality of Lakewood and will continue home quarantine for 7 days.
  3. ZDS 1084 – A 27 y.o male from Purok 2, Poblacion, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur. Declared clinically recovered and discharged from COVID-19 isolation unit of the Municipality of Ramon Magsaysay and will continue home quarantine for 7 days.
  4. ZDS 1085 – A 27 y.o male from Purok 2, Poblacion, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur. Declared clinically recovered and discharged from COVID-19 isolation unit of the Municipality of Ramon Magsaysay and will continue home quarantine for 7 days.This brings a total of 1,052 recoveries as of January 7, 2020.

    The general public is strongly reminded to continue to practice basic health protocols (wearing of mask and face shield, frequent hand washing and physical distancing in public places. Avoid unnecessary travels to areas/places with cases of local transmission within the bounds of Zamboanga del Sur or outside of the Province.

(Source: Zambo Sur Covid-19 Facebook page)

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