₧10,000 gratuity pay for JO, COS workers in government pressed


A party-list group has recently filed a resolution urging President Duterte to grant P10,000 gratuity pay to job order (JO) and contract of service (COS) workers in the government for  fiscal year 2021.

In House Resolution 2391 filed last Wednesday, the Bayan Muna party-list said JO and COS workers do not enjoy benefits accorded to regular government workers such as mid-year and year-end bonuses.

“The demand for P10,000 Gratuity Pay to JO and COS government workers is due to the  expenses related to the Covid-19 pandemic, high inflation, and low salary,” the group said.

Citing August 2021 Inventory of Government Human Resources (IGHR), the group added there are a total of 582,378 government workers under the JO and COS scheme.

“This is about 25 percent of the total government personnel. Majority of JO and COS have been in service in the government for several years,” it added.

“Most JO and COS workers perform the functions of regular employees, and fill up the gaps in the severe inadequacy or lack of personnel in many agencies,” the group said.

Also, citing the Ibon Foundation, the party-list group said the real value of worker’s salary in National Capital Region dropped by P103 per day and much higher in other regions due to high inflation.

“Granting of Gratuity Pay to JO and COS workers will be a big help during this time of Covid-19 pandemic and high prices of basic commodities,” it said.

Amid the pandemic, the party-list group said government employees especially JO and COS workers are still required to provide continuous government services for the people.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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