Zamboanga: Muslim religious leaders switch to Leni


Thousands of Muslim religious leaders switch their support from Manila Mayor Isko Moreno Domagoso to Vice President Leni Robredo.

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Sheik Mahir Gustaham, Chairman of the United Imams of the Philippines, ZamBaSulTa Chapter, said after assessing the trend from the different research companies and after getting the pulse of the constituents, Mayor Isko can no longer compete with Robredo and Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

The group also after consultation with their members and sectors its for national interest they switch their support to Robredo.

They also call on the people to make a stand and agree on one candidate to beat Marcos.

Gustaham said they choose Robredo due to her track record, integrity, interest on the Bangsamoro Region, and national interest.

Meanwhile, the ZamBaSulTa Coalition of Young Muslim Religious Leaders also declared their support to Robredo.

The group decided after discussions and discerning they concluded that Robredo is the right person to lead the country due to her track record, integrity, competence, and dedication to serve the poor with caring and loving leadership. (R.G. Antonet A. Go)

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