Zamboanga: Info session on leptospirosis


Ta continua el information campaign aserca el water and food – borne diseases, influenza-like illness, leptospirosis and dengue o WILD diseases na maga barangay que ya registra mas alto caso de leptospirosis mas reciente.

Este ta encabeza el Govierno Local por medio del Risk Communications Team que ta composita el Oficina del Alcalde-Division de Informacion Publico, Oficina de Salud y el Agencia de Informacion de Pilipinas.

Photos show the info series held at the Tetuan Barangay Hall Social Hall with participants representing the different puroks and sectors from barangays Tetuan and Tugbungan Tuesday afternoon.

The morning session of the info series was held at the Ayala Central School Covered Court with participants coming from Ayala, Talisayan and Tulungatung.

(Source: City Government of Zamboanga Facebook page)

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