Wanted Person Arrested At Pagadian City


Pagadian City – Officer In-Charge of Pagadian City Police Station (CPS) Police Lieutenant Colonel JOENERY V. OJAS, reported to Police Colonel ROEL L LAMI-ING, Provincial Director ZSPPO regarding the arrest of Wanted Person at Balangasan Covered Court, Barangay Balangasan, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur yesterday, August 21, 2021.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Joenery V. Ojas said that on August 21, 2021. PNP Personnel of Pagadian City Police Station Led by PLT ALBERT G LEONARDO under the supervision of PLTCOL. JOENERY V. OJAS, Acting Chief of Police conducted Manhunt operation against wanted person at Barangay Balangasan, Pagadian City which resulted to the arrest of CAMPOSO y MOLIJON, 24 years old, single and a residence of Purok Madanihon, Barangay Balangasan, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur.

Subject person was arrested by virtue of Warrant of arrest for the violation of RAPE by SEXUAL INTERCOURSE under Art. 266-A(1) of the RPC as amended by RA 8353 under criminal case nos. 15778-2K21 and 15779-2K21 issued by HON. JAIME B. CABERTE, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, 9th Judicial Region, Branch 22, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur issued on August 13, 2021 with NO bail recommended.

Subject person is now at the custody of this station for safekeeping, documentation, proper disposition. PLTCOL. JOENERY V OJAS commended the Detective  personnel for a job well done and encouraged all men and women of Pagadian CPS  to continue their effort and commitment to arrest/neutralize all Wanted Person in our AOR. Pagadian CPS are requesting the public to support the PNP in the attainment of our mission through giving information and Cooperation.

(Source: PLTCOL JOENERY V OJASOIC, PAGADIAN CPS09061248236, photo courtesy of Pagadian city police station)

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