Vice Mayor Denies Lockdown Yarn


Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran denied reports circulating on social media about a lockdown in this city on Dec 21, 2020.

Familiaran said what is in effect is a moratorium on the repatriation of Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs).

Familiaran heads the local Inter-Agency Task Force against the coronavirus disease or COVID-19.

The vice mayor also appealed to persons behind the baseless report and wrong information to stop spreading the same.

He also advised the public to verify information before posting or sharing any information on their social media accounts.

Earlier, the Regional Inter-Agency Task Force in Western Visayas approved the suspension of inbound travel of LSIs to Bacolod City, and the towns of Hinobaan and La Castellana in Negros Occidental on Dec 21, 2020 to Jan 3, 2021.

RIATF chairperson Juan Jovian Ingeniero, who is also the regional director of the Department of the Interior and Local Government in Western Visayas, approved the moratorium request of the Bacolod Emergency Operations Center Task Force (EOC-TF) in a resolution dated Dec. 8.

Dr. Chris Sorongon, deputy for medical data analysis and assessment of EOC-TF, said the two-week moratorium will give reprieve to the city’s health workers and enable the disinfection of isolation facilities. (Dolly Yasa via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy of TDG)

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