Two dams in Benguet open gates due to heavy rains


The National Power Corporation – Ambuklao – Binga Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Dam Operation reported the Ambuklao Dam and the Binga Dam located in the province of Benguet started its spilling operations today, August 13, 2019 before they reach their critical levels.

The Cordillera Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council reminds the general public, particularly those living along or near the Agno River waterways to be on full alert and be ready for evacuation if the situation warrants and when local authorities advise to

At around 11AM, Ambuklao Dam opened its 8 gates at 4 meters each as the water level reached 752.04 meters while Binga Dam opened its 6 gates at 3.5 meters as it reaches 574.43 meters.