SSS WDLG program collection reaches ₱30.5M


The state-run Social Security System (SSS) has collected more than P30.5 million contribution delinquencies from 71 employers who were served with assessment notices by its branches under one of its aggressive collection efforts.

SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Aurora C. Ignacio said the employers settled their delinquencies after being served with Preliminary Assessment Notices (PANs) and Final Assessment Notices Before Seizure (FANS’) under the process of serving Warrants of Distraint, Levy, and Garnishment (WDLG).

“This is only an initial amount as we have identified 93 other employers with combined contribution delinquencies amounting to nearly P200 million,” Ignacio said.

Serving assessment notices are the initial procedures of the SSS’ WDLG Program. These are given to delinquent or non-compliant employers to give them the option to either settle their delinquencies, avail an installment payment scheme or file a request for reconsideration or reconciliation. Failure to avail of any of the said methods will lead to the issuance of WDLG.

As of September 2019, two delinquent/non-compliant employers with a total delinquency of over P2.91 million are set for warrant execution.

The pension fund is coordinating with the Land Registration Authority, Land Transportation Office, and various banks to ensure the compliance of the said employers.

“The SSS has allowed these employers to fulfill their obligations under the Social Security Act of 2018, especially by offering a Contribution Penalty Condonation Program (CPCP) from March until September this year, but they still failed to comply,” Ignacio said.

“We recognize that employers are our partners in providing social security protection to private-sector workers. However, if they still neglect their duties under the law, we need to enforce their strict compliance and therefore conduct this aggressive collection effort,” Ignacio added.

Since April 2018, 13 delinquent/non-compliant employers including the two mentioned above have been referred to the SSS’ Employer Delinquency Monitoring Department for WDLG.

Of the other 11 employers, one paid through the garnishment of bank account, one has levied properties for public auction, one has encumbered properties, while eight have availed of the CPCP.

The SSS has initially collected over P3.06 million from them, excluding installment payments from the CPCP.

“We would like to remind non-compliant employers to obey the law and remit religiously the SSS contributions of their employees. This is your obligation not only under the law but also show your empathy to your employees who have been your partners in business. Give them the social safety net they deserve,” Ignacio said.

Aside from warrant or seizure of properties, the SSS conducts its Run After Contribution Evaders (RACE) campaign and Tokhang against delinquent employers with issued warrants of arrest from courts.

As of October 2019, the SSS, in partnership with the Philippine National Police, has so far conducted 14 execution of warrants of arrest and 29 RACE operations nationwide.

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