Report On Kontra Boga At Sitio Busyawan, Sioran, Godod, Zamboanga Del Norte


Be informed that at about 9:30 AM of January 05, 2021, Rene Boy Ambabang Bangco, 35, male, married and Barangay Captain of Sioran, Godod Zamboanga del Norte appeared to Godod Municipal Police Station (MPS) and turned over one unit Homemade pistol.

Accordingly, the said firearm was recovered by one Venancio Tatad at Sitio Busyawan, Sioran, Godod, Zamboanga del Norte and turned over to said barangay.

Said accomplishment is the result of the continuous conduct of Oplan Katok and information dissemination of RA 10591 or the comprehensive Firearms Law to the resident of Godod, Zamboanga del Norte.

The said firearm is now in the custody of Godod MPS.
(PLtCol. Charisse B. Yabo, Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit Chief)

(Source: Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit – Police Regional Office IX)

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