Report On Campaign Against Loose Firearm (Kontra Boga) At Labason MPS


Be informed that at about 11:10 AM of October 28, 2020, one Hon. Jefe Gonzales Laput, male, 40 y.o., married, Barangay Captain of Brgy. Balas, Labason, Zamboanga del Norte and a resident of said Brgy, personally appeared at Labason Municipal Police Station (MPS) and voluntarily surrendered/turned-over one (1) unit improvised Cal. 357 revolver with no serial number, which was turned-over to him for safekeeping.

Further said firearms was received by PCpl. Estelito Pabiran Jr., Assistant Operation PNCO and it was properly turn-over to property custodian of the said station.
(PLtCol. Charisse B. Yabo, Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit Chief)

(Source: Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit – Police Regional Office IX)

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