Public Health Advisory From Municipality Of General Luna


It has come into our attention that the LGU of Dapa is no longer issuing Travel Pass, Work Pass, and any similar travel document to their residents effective upon the lifting of MECQ. Subsequently, travels to other municipalities without the said documents are already allowed.

The local government of General Luna completely understands and respect the position of LGU Dapa while on these trying times.

Based on actual assessment, observation, and reports of personnel on ground, it is incumbent upon this LGU being the closest municipality to take proactive measures to ensure the health, safety, and protection of the people against the possible spread and contamination of COVID-19 from places with confirmed local transmission.

It is for this reason that the Local Government Unit asks and pleads to the people of Dapa to restrict from travelling to General Luna when not necessary or for leisure purposes only. Work-related travel, court hearings, delivery of goods and other essential transactions may be allowed provided that in lieu of the Travel Pass and Work Pass, the same shall present the following documents to the checkpoints viz:

  1. Certification from the concerned Barangay or RHU that the bearer or any of his immediate family member/s is/are not, regardless of any level, a close contact of the confirmed patient nor the same is from area/barangay under zoning containment status.
  2. e-Health Pass
  3. Identification Card

We apologize for any inconvenience that this pre-emptive measure may cause to you. Rest assured this is just momentary meanwhile that we are all greatly challenge by this pandemic.

Your utmost understanding is highly appreciated.

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