Progress Report On The Harassment In Sison


This pertains to the harassment incident that transpired on January 28, 2021 around 8:30AM wherein Sison Municipal Police Station was harassed by more or less eight (8) armed Communist Terrorist Group led by Gelan Ybanez a.k.a. Weng/Zanjo of Sandatahang Yunit Pampropaganda 16B, Guerilla Front 16, Northeastern Mindanao Regional Committee who were positioned at the higher ground overlooking the station.

Duty sentinel of Sison Municipal Police Station together with the augmented personnel of Regional Mobile Force Battalion 13 immediately fired towards the enemy position upon seeing their presence at the high ground of the back portion of the police station.

Firefight lasted for about fifteen (15) minutes and no wounded or casualty on the part of the PNP while undetermined on the enemy side during the incident. The enemy withdrew towards southeast direction.

Personnel of RMFB 13, 1ST and 2nd SDN PMFC, 1SAB, SAF and 29IB, Philippine Army immediately conducted hot pursuit operations to the fleeing suspects and the neighboring police stations and other friendly forces were immediately alerted.

Joint investigation conducted by Sison MPS and PIDMU, SDN PPO revealed that the suspects were positioned at the higher ground overlooking the police station more or less eighty seven (87) meters away.

During the interview with the Municipal Mayor, Hon. Karissa F. Paronia and Sgt. Rafael Salido, team leader of the CAA, Philippine Army detailed to the mayor, it turned out that the reported burst of gunfire coming from the back of the mayor’s residence, is coming from the Philippine Army personnel firing towards the enemy position and not coming from the enemy towards the residence of the mayor. The enemy position is more or less 200 meters away from the mayor’s residence.

That on January 28, 2021 around 11:00AM, personnel of Sison MPS together with the personnel of PIDMU, SDN PPO and Surigao del Norte Provincial Crime Laboratory Office led by PMAJ HAIDE C SEDORO proceeded to the area where the suspects positioned to process the crime scene. Recovered at the enemy position were the following pieces of evidence, to wit:

  1. 65 pieces of fired cartridge cases from 5.56mm;
  2. 16 pieces of fired cartridge cases from 7.62mm;
  3. two (2) pieces of misfired ammunition from 5.56mm;
  4. three (3) pieces live ammunition from 5.56mm; and
  5. three (3) pieces deformed fired bullet.

Recovered pieces of evidence at the police station were the following, to wit:

  1. 216 pieces of fired cartridge cases from 5.56mm; and
  2. 32 pieces of fired cartridge cases from 9mm;

A case of Multiple Attempted Homicide is being prepared for filing against the suspects. (SDN PPO | RPN DXKS)

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