PRO13 Joins Nationwide Launching Of “BARANGAYanihan Help And Food Bank”


Camp Col. Rafael C. Rodriguez, Butuan City – Police Regional Office (PRO) 13 led by POLICE BRIGADIER GENERAL ROMEO M CARAMAT, JR., Regional Director, participated in the nationwide launching of “BARANGAYanihan Help and Food Bank” in a ceremony held simultaneously in all Police Regional Offices nationwide and at the National Headquarters last Friday, May 14.

BARANGAYanihan Help and Food Bank is a program of the Philippine National Police unifying all existing community food support programs of the organization in partnership with stakeholders nationwide.

Aside from PNP personnel, the activity was also graced by stakeholders who donated financial support and in-kind to PNP Caraga in support of this initiative. Present were members of PRO13 Officer’s Ladies Club (OLC) headed by Mrs. Mamilyn Caramat, wife of RD CARAMAT, JR. and OLC Adviser; Ms. Rathzel M. Dargantes, President of Rotary Club Butuan; Ms. Lorivic P. Mulig, Branch Manager of Baug CARP Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative; Mr. Jaime Dumanig, Area Sales Supervisor of Nature’s Spring; Mr. Arnel Pudot, President of United Four Square Men; and Ms. Evangeline G. Legaspi, President of United Four Square Women.

Food packs composed of rice, noodles, canned goods, bread, fruits, and vegetables were handed over to the beneficiaries who are members of the Indigenous People community of Agusan del Norte province.

In his message, the region’s top cop expressed his gratitude to all stakeholders who extended their help and support to the PNP’s initiative citing the importance of bayanihan which is a fundamental aspect of Filipino culture of working together as a community to achieve a common goal, in addressing the existing problems in the community.

“This activity serves as a ray of sunshine amidst the stories of gloom depicting a Filipino trait defined as working together towards a shared cause,” RD CARAMAT, JR. said.  (PMaj. Dorothy M. Tumulak)

(Source: PRO13 Caraga PULIS PIO Facebook page)

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