Power Of Masking Up Stressed


Mayor Benjamin Magalong stressed the importance of wearing face masks in the fight against the Coronavirus disease especially now that the City continues to experience a spike in cases.

The mayor appealed anew to residents to abide by the mask requirement. “Wear yours properly at all times apart from observing other measures in accordance with the minimum health standards like observance of health etiquettes, social distancing, staying home and avoidance of the 3 Cs: Crowded conditions; Close spaces; and Conversations in short distances,” he said.

City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit Head Dr. Donnabel Panes said the risk of contracting the virus depends on how a person wears his protective gear.

In the City Hall Hour press briefing held July28, Panes said the proper way of wearing facial masks is crucial as the virus can strike at any moment one leaves his nose or mouth unguarded.

“You can acquire it with one intake of breath and a person’s respiratory rate is 20 per minute. Imagine if you breathe in and out 20 times in a minute, our risk is high so if you don’t wear your PPEs properly, then there is a big possibility of contracting it,” Panes said.

“So if you contract it, you cannot blame other people for infecting you because you are the one wearing your mask. You put down your mask or you kept it lower than your nostrils and you got infected then you cannot blame that other person. It’s you who are wearing your mask. We cannot wear your mask for you,” she added. (A.P.R)

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