NOCPPO Holds Last Stretch Of LTOPF Caravan


The Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO) here is calling gun enthusiasts/holders to join the last scheduled License To Own and Possess Firearms (LTOPF) Caravan in Silay City from Oct 29 to 31, 2020.

Lieutenant Wilma Silva, NOCPPO’s deputy public information officer, said the caravan, which is part of the three-day simultaneous national LTOPF caravan, will be held at the Silay City’s gymnasium.

Silva said those who will fail to renew their licenses will have to travel to Iloilo City to process it at the Police Regional Office (PRO)-6 in Camp Delgado.

The LTOPF caravan in the province started last month and was held in the cities of Bago, San Carlos, and Hinigaran.

Silva said that the regional headquarters will have a copy of the list of those gunholders who failed to process the renewal of their firearms.

It is mandated that all firearm owners are required to first secure an LTOPF before they can possess a gun.

They can be subjected to police operation for possessing a firearm with expired license, she said.
(Glazyl Y. Masculino via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy by TDG)

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