Napolcom resolution approves promotion of 27,460 policemen from ranks of corporal to lieutenant colonel


The National Police Commission (Napolcom) recently approved the filling up of 27,460 promotional vacancies for the ranks of Police Corporal (PCpl) to Police Lieutenant Colonel (PLTCOL) under the Philippine National Police (PNP) CY (calendar year) 2021 2nd Level Uniformed Personnel Regular Promotion Program and Police Lieutenant Colonel Continuous Promotion Program.

Napolcom Vice Chairman and Executive Officer (VCEO) Vitaliano N. Aguirre II said that the commission en banc approved Resolution 2021-1218, dated September 24, 2021, granting the police Chief General Guillermo  Eleazar the authority to fill up promotional vacancies in the second level ranks to facilitate the ascending career movement of personnel and prevent further congestion in the patrolman and patrolwoman ranks.

“The PNP promotion program is intended to influence personnel growth and motivation, improve job satisfaction and performance, and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the police organization by promoting the most qualified police officers to the next higher rank through merit and fitness,” Aguirre II said.

For this year’s regular promotional quota, the PNP has been authorized to fill 1,000 promotional slots for PLTCOL); 720 for Police Major (PMAJ); 980 for Police Captain (PCPT); 320 for Police Lieutenant (PLT); 2,780 for Police Executive Master Sergeant (PEMS); 4,140 for Police Chief Master Sergeant (PCMS); 5,980 for Police Senior Master Sergeant (PSMS); 5,570 for Police Master Sergeant (PMSg); 2,640 for Police Staff Sergeant (PSSg); and 3,330 for Police Corporal (PCpl).

In addition to the PNP promotion process, Aguirre II imposed that the following additional guidelines should be strictly observed by the members of the PNP Promotion Boards: (a) The processing of applicants for the Police Lieutenant Colonel promotion program should be continuous and candidates must satisfy all the qualification standards prior to their promotion. In addition, only Police Major candidates who are occupying Police Lieutenant Colonel position will be qualified for promotion in order to ensure the proportional distribution of the said rank; (b) The minimum qualification standards to be used in the assessment and evaluation must be based on the issuances approved by Napolcom and confirmed by the Civil Service Commission; (c) All promotional appointments should be permanent in nature and there would be no temporary status; (d) In case of a tie in the ranking of applicants, the Seniority Lineal List (SLL) must be used as a governing factor; and (e) The PNP must submit to the commission an after-activity report on the number of promotional applicants processed per rank, the number of promotees per rank, and the ratio per rank.

Lastly, Aguirre II ordered the PNP Promotion Boards to ensure transparency in the implementation of guidelines and procedures on PNP promotion. He warned that they shall be held liable with administrative sanctions should there be findings contrary to the guidelines. 30

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