Municipal Mayor Gokiangkee Personally Received The First Batch Of Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccines


Municipal Mayor Georgia D. Gokiangkee personally received the first batch of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines last Saturday, August 07, 11:30 AM, making Claver the first municipality in Mindanao to receive the said vaccines after purchasing the ultra-low temperature freezer.

A total of 1,170 doses, good for 2 doses, which cater 585 recipient arrived and were handed by Ms. Meriam O. Ceredon , Pharmacist II- PDOHO- SDN , Ms. Lyn Ivonnie De Chavez , Pharmacist – DOH DOONGAN warehouse and other representatives from DOH Caraga and FDA. Ms.Hazel Jean M. Precillas, DMO IV, of the Provincial DOH Office together with the frontliners from the Municipal Health Office (MHO), to witness the event.

The arrival of the additional vaccines will allow more Clavernons to get inoculated against COVID-19. These vaccines will be used on priority groups A1 to A5.

(Source: MUNICIPALITY OF CLAVER Facebook page)

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