Mother-and-daughter tandem of doctors seeks reelection in La Union


The mother and daughter tandem of Sandra Y. Eriguel and Stefanie Ann Y. Eriguel, both medical doctors, have filed their certificates of candidacy (COCs) to seek reelection in the May 2022 elections as representative of La Union’s Second District and mayor of Agoo town, respectively, to sustain the progress and development in their localities.

Congresswoman Sandra Eriguel, provincial chairperson of Lakas-CMD political party in La Union, filed her COC on October 1, 2021 for her third term as representative of the Second District of La Union province, while daughter Stefanie, provincial chairperson of National Unity Party (NUP), filed her COC on October 8.

The filing of COCs by Sandra and Stefanie aims to continue the outstanding brand of public service by the Eriguel family in the last 15 years, which transformed the Second District of La Union into a hub of progress and development in Northern Luzon, a news statement read.

Sandra Eriguel, a medical doctor, is one of the authors of Republic Act  11509, or the Doktor Para sa Bayan Act, which established a medical scholarship and return service program for deserving students in state universities and colleges or in partner private higher education institutions.

Among the legislative pieces that she pushed in Congress for the benefit of her constituents include RA 11562 which expanded the Rosario District Hospital and RA 11559 which upgraded the Naguilian District Hospital.

She is also the principal author of RA 11484, which converted the road from Anduyan in Tubao, La Union to San Pascual, Tuba in Benguet into a national road.

Sandra Eriguel is also currently the chairperson of Inter-Parliamentary Relations and Diplomacy Committee of the House of Representatives and vice-chairperson of the Committee of Health and Foreign Affairs Committee.

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