More Villages To Be Cleared Of Drugs – NegOcc PNP


More barangays in Negros Occidental are to be cleared of illegal drugs.

This was revealed by Colonel Romy Palgue, director of Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOCPPO).

Based on the records of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)-Negros Occidental, 176 villages out of 601 barangays were already cleared of the narcotics trade.

Palgue said one requirement for a town or city to be declared drug-free is the establishment of “Balay Silangan.”

“Balay Silangan,” is a facility under the national drug reformation program that offers temporary refuge with the objective of reforming drug offenders into self-sufficient and law-abiding members of society.

The groundwork for Balay Silangan is stipulated in Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Regulation Number 2, Series of 2018.

Palgue said he plans to discuss with the local government units the possible establishment of the facility in the province to help them in their anti-illegal drug campaign.
(Glazyl Masculino via The Daily Guardian (TDG), photo courtesy by TDG)

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