Mayor Sara Duterte Warns City Workers Violating Anti-Covid Protocols


Davao City – Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte has warned to sanction city government employees for disobeying the health protocols set by the government to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Mayor Sara said the city government employees should set an example by following the health standards – wearing masks, one-meter physical distancing while in public places, and frequent handwashing with soap and water.

The mayor issued the warning after she saw a group of employees not wearing masks and did not observe the one-meter distance while talking to each other.

“Di ta mahuman tanan if people do not wear masks and do not practice distancing (we will not end this if people do not follow health protocols),” she said.

Lemuel Ortonio, the Head of the Human Resource and Management Office (HRMO) said that his office will issue a corresponding memorandum to the employees who were violating health protocols.

“They will be asked to explain themselves in writing,” Ortonio said.

Ortonio added his office will coordinate with the Davao City Hall Employees Association (DACHEA) to propose fines for violation of the health protocols imposed by the city. (City Information Office)


(Source: The Official Website of the City Government of Davao)

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