Malaysian General Visits Sulu


Camp Bautista, Jolo, Sulu – The International Monitoring Team (IMT) – Mindanao Batch 15 led by a Malaysian General pays courtesy call to the JTF-Sulu Commander and the Provincial Governor.

International Monitoring Team (IMT) – Mindanao Batch 15 Head of Mission Malaysian Major General Dato’ Muhammad Anwar Bin Abdullah paid a courtesy call to 11th Infantry Division and JTF-Sulu Commander MGen. William N. Gonzales and Governor Abdusakur M. Tan on 29 October in Sulu. Launched in 2004, the IMT is set to continue keeping track of the peace agreement between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

IMT, now led by General Anwar who was installed in March of 2020, was finally able to pay a courtesy call to 11th Infantry Division and after several delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During MGen. Anwar’s visit to the JTF-Sulu Headquarters, MGen. Gonzales along with MILF Deputy Chairman Basaron Kamlon was able to discuss the ongoing peace efforts in the region and the positive developments in the GPH-MILF peace process.

MGen. Gonzales also accompanied the IMT Head to the governor’s office, where they talked about the enhanced security situation and economic developments in the province. During said meeting, MGen. Gonzales attributed the immense acceleration of the province’s progress to the strong partnership between the JTF and Local Government of Sulu. He also commended the MILF for upholding the peace in the area. “The MILF is also helping a lot in peace and order. They are collaborating in some of our efforts. In fact, they also signed the Peace Covenant,” MGen. Gonzales quickly pointed out.

This Peace Covenant signed by the both the municipalities of Patikul and Indanan is a pledged signed by various individuals declaring Abu Sayyaf terrorists as Persona Non Grata. Another point included in the covenant is also a vow to work hand in hand with government agencies to pursue initiatives that will strengthen and institutionalize public safety, security and wellbeing of the community.

Meanwhile, Governor Tan shared some interesting insights as the whole party shared a hearty meal which was highlighted by traditional Tausug dishes. To note, Muslims around the world are celebrating Maulod or the birthday of Prophet Mohammad this season.

“Mohammad is a model leader. I pray that we will continuously be blessed with the same leadership, wisdom and sincerity. Inshallah (in God’s will) we will be steadfast in our endeavor,” MGen. Anwar remarked.

Shortly after the Malaysian General finished eating durian, his favorite, their party bid farewell to Governor Tan and MGen. Gonzales. The IMT is set to visit Tawi-Tawi to also pay courtesy to the LGU of the province. “It is really important the the IMT came here so that they can see for themselves the situation here. – MGen. Gonzales

(Source: 11th Infantry Division “Alakdan Troopers”)

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