Makati residents with mild symptoms get home care kits from Mayor Abby


Makati Mayor Abby Binay has ordered the distribution of home care packages to Covid-positive residents with mild symptoms who are on home quarantine starting this week.

The mayor said the city would provide home care packages within the week to infected residents to help them monitor and care for themselves right in their homes.

“We want to make sure that our mild Covid cases have the right equipment to help them monitor themselves at home. We have seen to it that the contents of our home care package are useful and responsive to their needs,” Mayor Abby said.

Each Covid home care package contains a Covid-19 Home Care Handbook, alcohol, oral antiseptic, sore throat spray, fever pad, thermometer, washable and disposable face masks, pulse oximeter, vitamins and medicine for fever.

“Our goal is to boost the recovery of mild cases right in their homes and prevent their condition from worsening, so that they need not go to the hospital for treatment. In this way, we can reduce congestion in our hospitals,” the mayor said.

She said the Covid-19 Home Care Handbook serves as a helpful guide for patients on home quarantine or isolation and also their family members. It provides answers to frequently asked questions about the disease and its vaccine, proper home care measures, prescribed quarantine period, and other relevant information sourced from the Department of Health and the World Health Organization.

The mayor also said the city government has been providing food packages to home quarantined individuals, and medicines for those who have a Yellow Card.

Meanwhile, the Makati City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU) has called on residents to be vigilant and closely monitor themselves for any symptoms. Concerned residents may call 8870-1442, 8870-1444, 8870-1447 and 8870-1448 to get help.

To combat the spread of the virus and to properly identify and isolate positive individuals, the city has been continuously providing free community swabbing for barangays noted to have high cases of Covid-19.

Last April, the city also upgraded its quarantine facilities at the Ospital ng Makati and Pembo Elementary School to augment its medical facilities for Covid patients.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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