Makatao Receives 31 Boxes Of Banana From MBFEA To Support Frontliners


31 boxes of banana were handed over by members of Mindanao Banana Farmers And Exporters Association (MBFEA) to the unit at Fedco Office , San Pedro Village, Buhangin, Davao City on 28 March 2020.

The unit also distributed the boxes to units under 1003rd Bde and Combat Service Support units to support troops manning the different COVID-19 Quarantine checkpoints in Davao City and Davao del Norte.

In the height of COVID-19 Pandemic, the unit’s stakeholders continue to become instrumental who relentlessly supports not only the unit but the Philippine Amy as a whole. With a grateful heart, Makatao extends its gratitude to MBFEA with Ms Gladys Membrano-Garcia, Executive Director, who facilitated the said donation.

Again, thank you for sharing your blessings to the frontliners especially in this time of crisis.


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