LGU Liaison officers receive Refresher Orientation on Procurement, Financial Transaction Processing and other relevant matters

photo courtesy of Lungsod of Iriga Facebook page

A short re-orientation activity for LGU employees serving as liaison officers was conducted, focusing on the guidelines and regulations governing various government financial transactions and procurement activities. Resource speakers from the Offices of the Bids and Awards Committee, City Administrator, Accounting, and General Services Office elaborated on their respective guidelines in accordance with relevant laws and issuances from statutory bodies.

The activity was deemed necessary due to the increasing number of clarificatory questions from both experienced and new liaison officers. Participants raised queries that were addressed by the resource speakers. It is hoped by both LGU liaison officers and the offices processing documents that the system will become more efficient, as participants were reminded of the guidelines. Resource speakers even encouraged liaison officers to refer to the guidelines or seek guidance should any issues arise.

(Source: Lungsod Ng Iriga)

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