‘It’s a sin to tell a lie:’ New law increases penalty for perjury


Lying before the courts is now punishable with stiffer penalties.

This after President Duterte signed last week Republic Act (RA) 11594, which amended the Revised Penal Code to increase the penalty for perjury.

Under the new law, a person, who will knowingly give a false testimony and perjury in solemn affirmation while under oath to a person of authority will be sanctioned with “the penalty of prison mayor in its minimum period to prision mayor in its medium period.”

If the said person, who committed the felony, is a public official or personnel, they could now be fined with a maximum of P1 million and face perpetual absolute disqualification from holding any appointive or elective position in the government.

Likewise, RA 11594 also amended Article 814 of the Penal Code containing the provision for Offering False Testimony.

The amended article now stipulates “any person who willfully and knowingly offers in evidence a false witness or testimony shall be punished as guilty of false testimony.”

RA 11594 also contained a disclaimer stating if any of its provisions is declared unconstitutional, the declaration will not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions of the new law.

The newly signed law will take effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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