Iriga: Strengthening the Local Health Systems for a healthier future

(Photo courtesy of Strategic Management for Health Development Division)

The Department of Health Bicol Center for Health Development (DOH Bicol CHD) thru the Strategic Management for Health Development Division (SMHDD) successfully conducted the Integrated Local Health Systems Development Forum last May 7-10, 2024 at E-Crown Hotel, Virac, Catanduanes.

This initiative served as an avenue and opportunity to strengthen the local health system of the Province of Catanduanes by coordinating, connecting, and streamlining the mandates, processes, and workflows of all stakeholders involved in the implementation of Universal Health Care (UHC).

This forum brought together the various stakeholders from Provincial Health Office, Municipal Health Offices, DOH Hospitals, Government and Private Hospitals and Infirmaries to develop a shared vision and strategic plan relative to the implementation of UHC.

(Source: Strategic Management for Health Development Division)

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