Iriga: DILG 5 holds its Quality Management System (QMS) Planning Activity for FY 2024

photo courtesy of DILG Region V

Pursuant to the provisions mandated by the DILG Quality Manual of the National Quality Management System, DILG 5 convenes for the FY 2024 QMS Planning Activity, today, April 3, 2024 via blended modality (F2F at the DILG 5 Training Hall and via Zoom platform).

Guided by Regional Quality Management Representative ARD Jhoaden G. Lucero, CESO V, the activity aims to fulfill both the requirements and quality objectives of the QMS, as well as the preservation of the QMS’ integrity when changes are planned and implemented.

The activity targets to assess internal and external factors affecting planned outcomes at the office level, focusing on Values, Culture, Knowledge, Performance, and PESTLE factors (Political, Economic/Financial, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental). The team shall also review and update the Interested Parties Matrix pertinent to planned outcomes and evaluate risks and opportunities, aligning with the needs and expectations of Interested Parties, in accordance with the Risk Identification, Evaluation, and Control Procedure.

The QMS implementation is focused on fostering continuous improvement in system application, streamlining processes, and optimizing procedures to meet and exceed customer expectations and satisfaction.

Looking ahead, the Planning Activity aims to ensure that quality management realizes its intended outcomes, amplifies its desired impact, and achieves ongoing improvement.

In attendance are the members of the Regional Top Management, QMS Process Owners, and Regional QMS Secretariat Members.

(Source: DILG Region 5)

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