IP applications jump 20% in H1, IPOPHL exec reports


Intellectual property (IP) filings saw a double-digit growth in the first half amid easing of mobility restrictions and launching of campaign promoting IP rights as a tool for business recovery.

In a news statement issued on Monday, the IP Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) reported that total IP applications in the first six months jumped by 20 percent year-on-year to 22,919.

“This development is a strong indication that some businesses in the Philippines are recovering and seeing the importance of IP as a competitive tool,” said IPOPHL Director General Rowel S. Barba.

The utility model (UM) filings had the most increase at 26 percent to 744 applications for the period from 592 last year. Broken down, the resident filings accounted for 715 of the total UM applications, while the remaining 29 were from non-resident filings.

In terms of filings based on fields, food chemistry led the UM applications with 239 filings. Basic materials chemistry had 39; special machines, 32; handling, 20; and information technology methods for management, 19.

Trademark filings soared by 23 percent to 19,649 in January to June from 15,969 in the previous year for the same period. Resident filings surged by 39 percent to 12,288, while international filings declined by 5 percent to 3,677.

The applications for trademark came from the following sectors: pharmaceuticals, health, cosmetics (5,786); agricultural products and services (5,473); scientific research, information and communication technology (4,204); management communications, real estate and financial services (3,614); and textiles, clothing and accessories (2,865).

Patent filings inched up by 2 percent to 1,945 in the first half from last year’s 1,899. Applications for this segment came from pharmaceuticals (1,020); organic fine chemistry (523); biotechnology (312); basic materials chemistry (198); and food chemistry (176).

Copyright deposits grew by over twofold to 761 for the period from 285 last year.

Industrial design filings, meanwhile, dipped 10 percent to 581 in the first half. Applications came from furnishing (26); means of transport or hoisting (26); packages and containers for the transport or handling of goods (22); articles of adornment (18); and fluid distribution equipment, sanitary, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, solid fuel (16).

The IP agency vowed to continue enhancing online services to facilitate registrations smoothly. This, in addition to boosting capacity-building initiatives for the benefit of micro, small and medium enterprises; and independent creators and innovators.

“As we gear up for faster economic recovery, the country will inevitably realize more how IP is a catalyst for resilient growth. And IPOPHL will take this juncture as an opportunity to help the economy build stronger and the society think differently with IP,” Barba said.

Read full article on BusinessMirror

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