Hybrid or on-site work? Report highlights challenge in keeping talents in workforce


With 51 percent of the workforce back on-site, the focus of human resource (HR) managers’ focus has now shifted from managing hybrid challenges to promoting a work environment that will ensure talent retention, according to HR tech company Sprout Solutions.

According to the 2023 State of HR Report by Sprout Solutions, more companies are adopting on-site working arrangements in the Philippines as pandemic restrictions continue to ease and vaccination rates rise.

In fact, according to the HR tech firm’s survey, 51 percent reported that their companies implemented an on-site working policy.

The survey showed that 50.5 percent of the HR professionals anticipate the adoption of hybrid work force in the near future, while 33.4 percent felt “uncertain” about transitioning to an on-site arrangement, suggesting “less resistance” to working face-to-face in a physical office than the year before.

The report noted that the lack of resistance to returning on-site might arise from recognizing the advantages of in-person work which are: Better communication and collaboration; Improved work-life balance; and Stronger company culture and a sense of belongingness.

“Despite 50.5 percent of HR professionals foreseeing hybrid work as the future, the neutral responses towards on-site work suggest a lack of immediate urgency to adopt a hybrid model. This hesitation may stem from the perceived advantages and benefits associated with on-site work,” the report stated.

Meanwhile, the study revealed that as HR has pivoted from managing hybrid challenges to nurturing a committed workforce, it said that employee retention, employee engagement and employee well-being were the “key HR areas” affected by current working arrangements.

“This shift signifies that simply providing a hybrid work option is not enough,” the report said.

With this, the HR report emphasized that organizations need to “foster a work environment that retains talent and keeps employees engaged, regardless of their work location.”

In addressing current retention challenges with respect to implementing a hybrid policy, the report showed that only 32.9 percent of HR professionals viewed the policy as “less urgent.”

Meanwhile, 35.2 percent of employees reported being productive both when working remotely and on-site, highlighting the “effectiveness” of hybrid work.

“This compelling data point underscores the need for organizations to embrace hybrid models and provide employees with the necessary tools and support to excel in diverse work environments,” the report said.

“By empowering employees with the right resources, companies can enhance productivity and job satisfaction,” it also noted.

Sprout Solutions said the 2023 State of HR Report was derived from an “extensive” online survey conducted on over 400 HR professionals and over 2,200 employees in various industries and companies in the Philippines.

Image credits: Nonoy Lacza