High Swine deaths alarmed Kalinga


TABUK CITY. Kalinga — The high swine mortality in the entire province of Kalinga in Cordillera region since September this year is now a major concern of the Provincial Veterinary Office

Since September this year, there were 3,278 unusual hog mortalities in the entire province except for the municipalities of Balbalan and Rizal, according to data provided by the Provincial Veterinary Office.

The cause of the swine mortality is yet to be known.

The magnitude and extent of infection is now in an alarming situation which resulted in the immediate convening of the Anti-African Swine Fever Provincial Taskforce ordered by Governor Ferdinand Tubban to contain the situation and prevent further unusual deaths.

Provincial Veterinarian Dr. Mariano Dunwan, Vice-Chairperson of ASF Provincial Task Force said that blood samples have already been collected and sent to the region for laboratory testing. He said it is still early to say that the deaths of pigs in Kalinga is caused by ASF.

In Tabuk City, 1, 728 mortalities have been recorded by the City Veterinary Office; 986 in Tanudan; 390 in Lubuagan; 71 in Tinglayan; 63 in Pasil; 40 in Pinukpuk.

Dunwan, with the members of the taskforce, agreed that the team will treat the situation with the worst-case scenario in mind, and thus immediate plans and measures have been decided upon by the members.

With this situation the Anti-ASF Taskforce decided that inter-municipality checkpoints and in all entry points to Kalinga should be put up to prevent the entry and transportation of swine and swine by products.

The Task Force will strengthen the information education campaign, media advisories, continues monitoring and inventory, as well as readiness of medicine and equipment for disinfection.

Other suggestions to be decided later are the possible temporary banning of live pigs trading at the Bulanao Market, declaration of state of emergency, and funding support.

The province occasionally supplies live pigs to areas in Cagayan and the nearby towns in the Cordilleras. The estimated total population of swine in Kalinga is around 72,544 heads, excluding those unregistered.