General Luna cops arrest two suspects on multiple charges: Data Privacy Violations, Obstruction of Justice and Crimes against Authority

photo courtesy of SDNPPO

The swift action by the police underscores their commitment to upholding the law and ensuring public safety. General Luna police successfully arrested two suspects charged with multiple offenses. The violations of Republic Act No. 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act, as well as the obstruction of justice under Presidential Decree No. 1829 and crimes against persons in authority and their agents today.

POLICE COLONEL LAUDEMER M. LAUDE, the Provincial Director, identified the suspects as a 27-year-old male self-employed from Barangay Poblacion and a 31-year-old housewife from Barangay Consuelo, both from General Luna, Surigao del Norte.

Around 3:35am today, the police authorities of General Luna Municipal Police Station arrested two suspects at Tourism Road Barangay 3, General Luna town, for violating Republic Act No. 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act, obstruction of justice under Presidential Decree No. 1829, and crimes against persons in authority and their agents, and confiscated one unit of a light green Narzo cellphone and a Poco light blue cellular phone.

According to a report from the General Luna Police, the two suspects were mocking and criticizing police officers while they were manning the streets, causing congestion because of illegally parked yellow tricycle in front of a club. The suspects were caught in the act, taking pictures and videos while threatening the officers, and boasting about their connections with high-ranking government officials. This brazen behavior exacerbated the situation, leading to their prompt arrest.

“The apprehension of the two suspects in General Luna underscores the SDN PNP’s unwavering dedication to duty. Despite facing mockery, threats, and attempts at intimidation, our officers remained steadfast in their commitment to maintaining order and enforcing the law. This incident serves as a testament to the PNP’s resolved to protect the community, uphold justice, and ensure the safety and security of Surigaonons, regardless of the challenges they may encounter,” PD Laude said.

The arrested persons and confiscated items are now under the custody of General Luna Municipal Police Station for proper disposition. (Mark James Lisondra)

(Source: SDNPPO)

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