Fruit tree planting activity at NCES ground, Del Carmen, Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte


Fruit tree planting activity with the Minister of International Development from Canada, Canadian Ambassador, WFP Representative and Country Director of the Philippines, IOM Chief of Mission in the Philippines, LGU-Del Carmen which was planted by Mayor JR Coro together with the other municipal officials, and Numancia Central Elementary School (NCES) planted by its School Principal at NCES ground, Del Carmen, Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte.

This fruit tree planting symbolizes of abundance associated with the goddesses of fertility, plenty and the harvest to produce fresh fruit, bear’s healthy and nutritious food for children, learners and support communities even during difficult times, and it can also contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

Congratulations, and thank you so much, people from Canada, WFP, and IOM for the remarkable service and continuous support to Siargaonons!

(Source: Municipality of Del Carmen, Surigao del Norte, Philippines Facebook page)

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