Frank Fernandez’ Arrest ‘Big Blow’ To CPP-NPA


The Army in Western Visayas said the arrest of CPP-NPA terrorist (CNT) leader Frank Fernandez and wife Cleofe Lagtapon is a major setback to the communist ranks not only in Negros but the whole country.

“It will create drastic demoralization among their members and will dwindle their armed capability and will to fight,”

said Maj. Gen. Dinoh Dolina, Commanding General of the 3rd Infantry Division, Philippine Army in Region 6.

“This is what I was talking about. The demise of the communist terrorist group. Their apprehension is a result of combined efforts of AFP and PNP units coupled with information coming from reliable civilian sources. This is also a breakthrough to our campaign against violence and terrorism in Central and Western Visayas. We commend the efforts of the operating troops for the successful apprehension of Fernandez and company as well as the vigilance of the civilian populace for giving accurate information on the location and activities of the arrested personalities,” Dolina said.

According to Capt. Eduardo Precioso, Chief, Division Public Affairs Office (DPAO), Fernandez was arrested Saturday, March 23 in Laguna by cops and soldiers.

Fernandez is one of the most wanted persons in Negros facing multiple counts of murder and attempted murder cases.

“His apprehension is not only our victory but also of the people especially those who suffered from the cruel hands of Fernandez’ terrorist group,” he said.

Dolina also urged the people to continue cooperating with government security forces through giving reliable information that would help in the neutralization of other communist terrorists.* (Edith B. Colmo, NDB)

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