Feb. 24 is non-working holiday to mark Edsa


PRESIDENT Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. declared Feb. 24. 2023 as a special non-working holiday nationwide for the celebration of the Edsa People Power Revolution.

In his Proclamation No. 167, issued on Thursday, Marcos cited the principle of “holiday economics” in moving the commemoration of the historic event.

Under the principle, the celebration of Edsa People Power Revolution Anniversary may be moved from February 25, 2023 to February 24, 2023 provided that the historical significance of the event is maintained.

“I, by virtue of the powers vested to me by law, do hereby declare Friday 24 February 2023 as a special (non-working) day throughout the country,” Marcos said in his proclamation.

The President directed the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to issue the necessary pay rules for the event.  The Edsa People Power Revolution was a series of non-violent demonstrations which ended the dictatorship of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Sr., who went on exile with his family in the United States.

Image credits: Joey De Vera via Presidential Museum and Library