Ex-VP Binay adopted in rival Senate slates as parties reveal more bets


RIVAL administration and opposition parties vying in the upcoming national elections on Friday announced more names on their senatorial slates, with former Vice President Jejomar Binay emerging as a “common candidate” in at least three contending camps.

In a news statement issued on Friday, Binay acknowledged Vice President Leni Robredo and Senators Panfilo Lacson and Emmanuel Pacquiao for his inclusion in their senatorial lineups. 

“I would like to thank Vice President Leni Robredo, Senator Manny Pacquiao, and Senator Ping Lacson for including me as a guest candidate in their respective senatorial slates,” Binay, who filed his certificate of candidacy under his United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) party, added.

He affirmed that “our task is to rebuild our country and restore the dignity of every Filipino,” reminding everyone “the pandemic has made responding to this challenge even more urgent, and unity more compelling.”

In seeking election to the Senate, ex-VP and former Makati Mayor Binay reminded the need “to build the broadest unity possible for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and future generations.”

Stressing there are many ways to bounce back from the pandemic, Binay said: “There are many ways to arise from the pandemic. To help the economy recover, and improve the lives of every Filipino. But we cannot attain this if we are disunited. We need to close ranks. No matter our political colors, we have a common goal,” he said, mostly in Filipino.

 At the same time, a separate Liberal Party senatorial slate led by VP Robredo and Sen. Francis Pangilinan reported the additions to their LP senatorial ticket of lawyer Chel Diokno, former congressman Teddy Baguilat and detained Sen. Leila de Lima, along with former Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and Sen. Risa Hontiveros.

The Robredo-led ticket also listed as “guest candidates,” besides Binay, the following: Sen. Richard Gordon and Joel Villanueva, Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri, former Sen. Francis Escudero and author and poet Alex Lacson.

For its part, the tandem of Senator Pacquiao and Buhay Rep. Lito Atienza adopted as senatorial candidates Binay, Gordon, Zubiri, Villanueva, former senators Chiz Escudero and Loren Legarda; labor leader Elmer Labog and former Rep. Neri Colmenares.

In a separate statement, Senate Majority Leader Zubiri said: “As an independent candidate, I am thankful to be included in Vice President Robredo’s senatorial slate for the 2022 elections.”

“I also thank Sen. Ping Lacson and Sen. Manny Pacquiao, who believe in me and my ideals and have adopted me in their Senate slates as well. I still remain an independent candidate—at the end of the day, my loyalty is to the people, not to any single party. But as a team player, I am willing and able to work alongside anyone who shares in our goal of serving the Filipino people first. Again, thank you so much for the trust,” Zubiri added.  

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