Eating without hurting your health or the environment


Sustainable diet refers to what one consumes that not only leads to good nutritional status and long-term good health, but also has low environmental impact.

Nutritional and lifestyle guidelines must include those from a variety of food sources that are nutrient-dense, help maintain energy balance and prevent noncommunicable diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes and cancer.

Making dietary changes is a good start to reduce environmental impact, plus cuts down on the carbon footprint.

Here are some health and environmentally-conscious choices:

PLANT-BASED DIET. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary fiber and phytochemicals for good health effects. Other sources may include potatoes and root crops, rice and whole grains, cereals and nuts. And seeds! These will make a significant difference in overall lower carbon footprint as they possess the lowest carbon emissions among food groups.

FRESH PRODUCE, SEMI-PROCESSED FOOD. Selections that require no further cooking, like salads, conserve food nutrients. They likewise reduce energy consumption.

ORGANICALLY GROWN INGREDIENTS.Purchase your needs in bulk or outsource locally from your nearby farm and market. These will tend to have lower carbon emissions and are free from chemical contaminants.

WHITE SOURCES. Seafood and poultry are recommended to be about 15 percent of your daily total calories requirement. Some plant-based alternatives for include tofu, lentils, beans, tempeh and Quorn.

ZERO-FOOD WASTE. Properly stored leftovers may be transformed to another dish. Plan meals ahead to prevent food wastage.

PERSONAL WATER CONTAINER. Monitor your hydration level. This likewise aids in water conservation.

Teddy S. Manansala is a registered nutritionist-dietitian.

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