DOH: No outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease


The Department of Health (DOH) on Tuesday said there is no outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) but admitted they are “seeing cases.”

In a press briefing DOH Officer – in – Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said that 155 cases were logged in Metro Manila from October to December 6,2022.

“There’s no outbreak declaration: Walang  enough basis for LGUs (local government units) to declare outbreaks, these are manageable and preventable,” Vergeire said.

Vergeire gave the reaction after a doctor posted on social media, asking if there is an HFMD outbreak in Sta. Mesa in Manila for he has been receiving “many” children patients with the said disease. 

Vergeire earlier said that symptoms of HFMD include fever, cough, colds, and sores or lesions on the mouth, hands and feet.

Although rare, Vergeire stressed, complications of HFMD are meningitis and encephalitis as well as polio-like paralysis.

Vergeire said that HFMD can be transmitted through droplet transmission from infected persons, open wound lesions or even fecal matter.

Most HFMD cases affect children, but Vergeire said that all persons can get the disease.

“Minimum public health standards such as mask-wearing, especially when sneezing and coughing, physical distancing, and frequent washing of hands may help in avoiding the transmission of HFMD,” Vergeire said.

Health experts said that HFMD is characterized by a brief febrile illness in children and typical skin rash, with or without mouth ulcers.

Typically, the rash is papulovesicular and affects the soles of the feet, or both.

The viruses may be spread when infected persons touch objects and surfaces that are then touched by others and enteroviruses could be excreted in the stools for up to six weeks and throat secretions for up to two weeks.

Image credits: DOH/Facebook