Dipolog: Suspected drug pusher arrested

photo courtesy of ZNPPO

A drug suspect Rodel Malabago Camatura, 40 years old, (DOB October 19, 1983) male, married, Elementary Graduate, Fisherman, of residing at Purok Riverside, Brgy. Barra, Dipolog City, ZN. Arrested in Barangay Miputak, Dipolog City, ZN. At around 11:10pm May 04, 2024.

ZN PDEU personnel led by PCPT GIOVANNI E ICALINA (Lead Unit), Dipolog CPS, ZN 1st PMFC and 901st MC RMFB9 conducted drug buy-bust operation resulting in arrest of the suspect and confiscation of the following items. One (1) piece sachet small size heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline granules believed to be “shabu” ( buybust item);
Ten (10) pcs small size heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline granules believed to be “shabu” (possession); One (1) pc. Five hundred peso bill with serial no. JP150396 (buy bust money); One (1) pc. cigarette pack (Winston) serve as container of the drug items; One (1) unit cellular phone (cherry mobile keypad) color black.

Drug evidence recovered with an estimate weight of MOL 2 grams with a standard drug price of PhP 13,600.00.

The operation was documented by the use of Body Worn Camera (BOBLOV) with device no. DMT20X-000001 in accordance with A.M. No. 21-06-08-SC.

Confiscated drug items will be turned over to ZDN Provincial Forensic Unit for examination, while the arrested suspect is held under the protective custody of Dipolog CPS for proper disposition. (Angelica T. Obina)

(Source: ZNPPO)

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