Digihub Fablab Davao Produces Face Shields For Frontliners


The DigiHub-Davao Fabrication Laboratory (DigiHub FabLab Davao) is now producing face shields as a response to the shortage of face shields for medical frontliners amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The face shields are made up of filament/acetate, polylactic acid plastic and are produced through the use of 3D printing and laser cutting machines of the fabrication laboratory facility located at USEP-Obrero campus.

This initiative is done through the joint efforts of the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP), Department of Science and Technology Region XI (DOST XI) and Department of Trade and Industry XI (DTI XI), in collaboration with other fabrication laboratories in the country, medical practitioners and hobbyists.

As of March 26, 2020, the DigiHub FabLab Davao has produced a total of 200 pieces of face shields and turned over 25 pieces to the Southern Philippine Medical Center (SPMC) in Davao City, 10 pieces to the Davao Regional Medical Center (DRMC) in Tagum City. This shall be used by health workers considered as frontliners in the fight against COVID-19.

The DigiHub team is targeting to supply face shields to all medical frontliners from government and private hospitals, Doctors to the Barrio (DTTB) and other medical practitioners in Davao region.

Apart from the face shields, the team is also fabricating cotton swab cover equipment and isolation/intubation boxes which are used for treating patients infected with COVID-19 and provide additional protection for the medical practitioners. Three intubation boxes were already turned over to SPMC.

The DigiHub FabLab Davao is also calling out those who can donate needed materials such as acetate/PVC clear sheets, 3D printer filament, rubberbands/garters (for face shields), acrylic sheet, clear adhesive epoxy, blind rivets and aluminum angle bar (for intubation boxes) so they can produce more of the mentioned protective equipment.(Photos by Jeremiah Bargio – DOST XI, DigiHub FabLab Davao)


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